Our business began after a long battle with various illnesses and a quest for healing. Recurring infections, neurological symptoms, depression and chronic fatigue.
After struggling with my health for many years I learned about heavy metal toxicity. Many of my symptoms aligned with mercury poisoning and I had many mercury/amalgam fillings. I learned how dangerous mercury could be to the human mind and body and had my mercury fillings removed.
Following the removal, my health deteriorated. I was exposed to large amounts of mercury vapor during the procedure. It was a very dangerous situation. I tried many natural remedies, herbs, and even chemical chelation. There was a lot of trial and error throughout the process. Many of the supplements I tried worsened my condition.
My health was the worst it had ever been and I was desperate. I learned about bentonite clay detox baths and I began to take them regularly. Gradually my symptoms began to improve after trying everything. The effects were amazing! After about three months of the baths, I was functioning again!
The clay detox baths were the safest and most soothing tool in my recovery. I discovered that the clay baths are the safest way to detox from heavy metals. It did not cure me but it was the most helpful tool I encountered and has huge healing potential! We had such great results that my wife and children began enjoying them regularly as well!
We keep finding new ways to utilize the clay. We use masks, foot soaks, and even use it as an alternative to toothpaste. It rejuvenates aching hands and feet, remineralizes hair, whitens teeth and is great for skin and insect bites. We all take the detox baths regularly and know that everyone would take the detox baths if they were aware of what this amazing clay can do!
We wanted to share the amazing benefits of the bentonite clay to others and Orange Sky Apothecary was born. We are so passionate about bentonite clay because we have experienced its amazing healing potential.
We are excited to share what the clay bath has to offer with others in order for everyone to experience its transformative power!